Jamaican Tastee Cheese - Tastee Cheese and Spice Bun

"Tastee Cheese" out of Jamaica is one of those things I grab on the go in Florida.  Florida has a large Jamaican population and easy to find in grocery stores and various quick eateries around S. Florida. 
And normally just have it as a sliced snack or as 'bun and cheese' from a food jaunt.   Hence it has a long strong history in Jamaica.

It is a processed cheese made from cheddar from New Zealand.  It came to fruition in 1964 in Jamaica and highest demand for it is around Easter where a staple on the holiday table served with 'Spice Bun' or 'Easter Bread'.  Which believe both are one in the same.. I think...

I ordered both from 'Sam's Caribbean'.  The 'Spice Bun' was one from National out of Jamaica and the other from a bakery out of Brooklyn New York. 

At first I laughed as there are actually videos on YouTube that will show you how to get the cheese out of the can.  As I learned, it is a bit of a small challenge.  It was opened on one side and punctured on the other.  It was rolled and massaged until the can gave birth to the cheese with a bit of a push by the consumer as seen here.  That might be my favorite advice but I purchased much smaller cans of the delicious cheese in which opened on both sides with a can opener and pushed out with a rice cooker flat spoon!

As for a recipe I tried a few with the two items I had.  Firstly the 'Spice Bun' is so dense but not crazy dense like fruit cake.  However not bread like either.  

When I toasted the slices of 'Spice Bun', it began to burn and get bitter.  I also tried melting the 'Tastee Cheese' into a cheese sauce and it's not melt friendly like the super over processed stuff made in America  Which means it is healthier for you on that aspect.  I tried a couple of other recipes which will not bore you on the outcome of 'Tastee Cheese' NOT HAVING IT!  And came to conclusion that 'Cheese and Bun' are like the 'Bonnie and Clyde' out of Jamaica.. You just can't mess with it or break it up.  

However as much as love the 'Spice Bun', needed to cut the sweetness a bit and added some bacon to my 'Bun and Cheese'.  Oddly wanted a side of bananas also!  It was delicious and will be stocking more of this cheese especially for hiking/camping treks!

If interested in trying 'Tastee Cheese' and 'Spice Bun' but do not live where is sold in your local store, feel free to order from 'Sam's Caribbean'.  They are fast, friendly, efficient and usually get your product within two days!

Remember, Life Is Too Short To Eat Badly!!
